Wednesday, April 30, 2014

This Weekend

On Friday Celia celebrated Arbor day at school.  They walked to a park and had a celebration for the event.  Celia was made an honorary deputy and was given a deputy/sheriff star too.

I did not really understand all of the festivities that took place despite asking multiple questions and getting random odd answers…

On Saturday I went to my last consignment sale of the season in search of plain tops for Celia.  I did not find them at the sale but of course I found other things!  Good thing is that it did not add up to much at all in cost.  I found a nearly brand new with batteries in it Tigger toy for $1.  I was going to bring it in to work however, well, someone else liked it.

On Sunday Celia impressed everyone during the Children's Message.  Our children's minister asked the group of kids about Doubting Thomas and asked them what Thomas said.  Celia responded with this:
"Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe".  I sorted of missed this and after church several people came up to me and commented about it.  I just expected it, Celia is something special!  Celia said that during Sunday School, the children's minister kept asking her to repeat it.  

I planted flowers.  For those of you that know me, this is risky business for the flowers.  But I did it and they look beautiful for the little time they are alive.

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