Monday, February 9, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Okay this is my first try at this.

I certainly did not spend most of my evening blogging and looking at mindless tv shows when I should have been writing my Education Foundation Grant, nope, not me. I certainly did not keep my sister on the phone for longer then I should have because I really didn't want to work on my Grant, nope not me, not at all. While looking up the Pennsylvania Kindergarten Science Standards I certainly didn't let my fingers lead me to My Charming Kids blog, no, not me.

I definately did not give my student an extra animal cracker as a reward because I forgot that he hadn't earned it, nope not me. I definately keep track of that and never make a mistake. I didn't notice the smug look when he got it either, nope. I definately didn't teach him that when you run away from the group and tip chairs over that you earn an animal cracker, nope, not me, no would never do that.

I didn't finish Celia's last few Annies wheat bunnies that I had put in a bowl for her and said that she had eaten them. Nope, never would do that, never. I certainly didn't say "all gone, all gone, in Celia's tummy" while she was getting very upset because she knew darn well that there were more in the bowl a second ago. Nope not me.

I certainly didn't say to Celia on Tuesday that we were going to go home and play with Amber, her favorite person because she wouldn't sit in her carseat even though I knew we were not playing with Amber. No not me, never do that. And on that same day, I certainly didn't let her nurse extra long even though I want to get her down to 2x a day so that I could look up something on the internet and have a cup of tea, nope not me.

I certainly didn't let Celia go around naked for about 40 min. on Friday in which she peed on the floor twice and I dove to catch it in her pink potty at one point, then she later put the potty on her head when it wasn't really truely cleaned. No that would never ever ever happen. I never let my child run around naked and she certainly has never peed on the kitchen, bathroom, living room, basement, bedroom floors. Not my child.

I didn't show up at daycare on Wednesday when they were closed for a snow day or a there is wet slush on some roads day. No not me, I am on top of things like that. I didn't leave Celia with my poor neighbor who had to spend her snow day not napping and watching her 7 year old and my 17 month old. No not me, I would never do that I would be on top of things.

I most certainly wouldn't be staying up doing this blog when I am exhausted and need to be in bed. Of course not me.

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