Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I like being crafty but I haven't really inherited the natural sewing talent that my sister and Mom have- that includes cross stich, knitting, crocheting.  I was really proud of myself this winter when I learned to knit scarves.  This week, after months of off and on practice, I finally learned how to do purl (knitting).  So I was able to tackle a simple hat pattern that my Mom gave me.  I finished it Sunday and although there are some errors, it functions as a hat!! 

Check it out.  Oh and don't mind the crumbs on the couch.  Yes, I did let my overly grumpy 3 year old have pretzels and water on our new leather sofa.  It was my intention to not have anyone eat in the living room, it isn't going to happen!

Mom, you see the holes on the seem, what did I do wrong there??

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