Saturday, December 11, 2010


Audrey is 2 1/2 weeks old, hard to believe.  I am not getting a great deal of sleep at night because Audrey wants to be held most nights and I can't sleep that way!  I am trying to figure something out.  Currently I get my most sleep between 8 and 10 when Pete has her at night then I get 30 to 60 min. between 2 and 3 typically.  Some lucky nights I do get 3 hours, but that is not typical!!  Audrey sleeps though, just only if I am holding her.  So I get "rest" just not sleep! 

Audrey hates diaper changes!!  I don't know why, but I love this photo.

Longwood Gardens

Celia drew this!! 

The foot is up a lot, not sure why..

1 comment:

katie said...

adorable. we have the same onesie, but 'little brother.' congrats!