Saturday, September 5, 2015


Can you believe this peanut
That was born in the parking lot

Is 8 today??

You have had some changes this year.
We moved into a new house (more room for dance parties)

You said goodbye to a school you loved
You started at a new school and you love it

You lost some teeth, some easily, others pulled

Changes that for the most part you have handled with grace
This change in school was big
You told me after the first day that your old school, though you loved it, was
one thumbs up and that this one is two thumbs up.

You have a best friend that we all love
We need to as she looks like she should be your sister
Vanessa has helped ease the transition to a new school

You are sweet, amazing, and the brightest little 8 year old I know.
Here's to year 8 baby girl.

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