Monday, February 29, 2016

Life Lately

So I have not been in the writing mood lately and I am okay with that.  The summer will be here before I know it and then I will post more regularly.  It just seems like lately that by the time the day is done there are other things on my mind.  Or maybe I will get in the mood again!

So what is happening with the girls?  Not anything out of the ordinary which is excellent.  We have not over scheduled either child.  Audrey has gymnastics on Mondays and that is it for her except for school 4 days a week.  Celia maybe is getting up there with Spanish before school on Tuesdays then Spanish after school Wed, rush home to eat and then back again to church for choir.   Throw in fencing 1 evening a week and I guess that is busy.    Celia had the option of moving up to Fencing club which meets for 2 hours on Sundays or staying in fencing 3 and Pete and I highly encouraged remaining in fencing 3.  2 hours just seems crazy for an 8 year old!

I took the girls to see my in laws one weekend and they put on a fabulous show with Grandpa.  I can't really tell you exactly what it was about but they had fun.


This is what Audrey wants to do often.  If I say no to the iPad or tv (which I do 99% of the time), she often follows with, well let's make something.  Luckily on this day I needed to make a chicken pot pie with some leftover chicken.  The blue in the picture is a snuggie, she was cold so it is draped over one side of her.

Cuddling with Pete.  We enjoy our movie nights, except for this week.  Cartoon Trumpet of the swans is AWFUL.  The girls enjoyed it but Pete and I did not.

The girls have been enjoying sleeping together in Celia's room.  They view it is a "sleepover" but have now asked to extend those sleep overs a bit.  It is cute.  So that is life lately I suppose.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentines Day

Keep in mind while viewing these photos that the child in the pink is painfully shy

Our summer sitter came to watch them on Wednesday while I had Celia's conference 
and she hid in her room for half the time and then did not talk to the sitter

She stopped participating in Music class at school for a month when a new music teacher came.
The new teacher was someone she has known for awhile.

Yet at home…  This is her true self.
This is completely Audrey

She is the definition of "she may be small but she is mighty"
Celia is amazing and that conference offered no concerns.


On this day I was sitting at the table sipping my coffee and looked up to this.
Audrey sat him there to keep me company.
If you turn him on he continuously yips and jumps.
We keep him off.