Sunday, December 11, 2011

Teaching Giving

Celia is old enough this Christmas to understand the giving part of Christmas a little bit.  It is very important for my girls to value giving more then getting.  I am not sure if I will win that battle until they are past the teenage years, but I will try.  Last weekend I took Celia to 5 Below to use some of her piggy bank money to buy some gifts to put in the Salvation Army stocking her school gave us.  I do this every year but I have never included her.  To my surprise she was not interested in buying things for herself and she was very into buying something for that special girl.  What was funny was that the 4 year old, I am number one philosophy, came through in another way.

"Mommy, do you think that when she opens her gifts she will say Celia is just the greatest?"

"Mommy, do you think that she will want to meet me to say thank you?"

I am not sure how I answered those questions but I figure that we will take baby steps

On a more pressing topic.  Pete's Grandmother needs some prayers.  She is in the hosptal and having a very hard time.  So if you are inclined to prayers, please say a prayer for her and for Pete's parents as they are certainly going through this with her.

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